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- <text>
- <title>
- (1982) Final Act Of A Bitter Tragedy
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1982 Highlights
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- June 14, 1982
- Final Act of a Bitter Tragedy
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>The clash of two determined nations climaxes in Port Stanley
- </p>
- <p> With speed and effectiveness, the British slashed across the
- bleak interior of East Falkland Island last week and poised
- themselves for the final push into Port Stanley. Mudstained
- Royal Marines and paratroopers, their faces unshaven and
- blackened with camouflage cream, slogged through treacherous
- bogs and over small mountains, brushing aside sporadic Argentine
- resistance. Scorpion tanks and Snowcat personnel carriers
- rumbled through squalls of rain and sleet on crude, rutted
- tracks that quickly became soupy quagmires. Harrier jump jets
- flew mission after mission over the Falklands capital, dropping
- 600-lb. cluster bombs on Argentine troop concentrations.
- Offshore the 4.5-in. guns of Royal Navy frigates and destroyers
- kept up a steady pounding, adding to the crump of 105-mm
- artillery pieces firing from the heights ten miles or less from
- the city.
- </p>
- <p> Suffering only minimal casualties, and seeking to end as quickly
- as possible the bitter and improbable little war, the British
- force attacking Port Stanley had brilliantly carried out its
- assault across rugged terrain. Only a week after the British
- breakout from their invasion beachhead around Port San Carlos,
- the Argentine force of 7,000 troops was hemmed in by some 5,000
- Royal Marine commandos and members of the 2nd and 3rd battalions
- of Britain's Parachute Regiment. An additional 3,500
- men, chiefly Scots and Welsh Guards and the legendary Gurkhas
- of Britain's 5th Infantry Brigade, were expected to complete the
- siege. Said a senior official at Britain's Defense Ministry in
- London: "When our big attack goes in, we shall have superiority
- in numbers, guns and morale."
- </p>
- <p> But despite their perilous position, the Argentines showed no
- sign of surrendering. General Mario Benjamin Menendez declared
- that his forces were eagerly awaiting the major British attack.
- Said he: "We should not only defeat them, but we should do it
- in such a way that they will never again have the daring idea
- of attacking our soil."
- </p>
- <p> As the showdown approached, military experts from around the
- world praised the British air, sea and land operation that had
- isolated Port Stanley. After traveling some 7,800 miles to the
- Falklands. Britain's 40-ship military task force, led by the
- aircraft carriers Hermes and Invincible, had ferried ashore as
- many as 8,500 troops, plus their equipment, supporting armor,
- air defense missiles and other vital supplies.
- </p>
- <p> All last week the buildup of the British forces continued.
- Additional Harrier jets were flown in from Britain to increase
- the number of the versatile aircraft in combat in the South
- Atlantic from 37 to 52. The Harriers refueled from a "daisy
- chain" of Victor aerial tankers circling between Britain's
- military base at Ascension Island and the Falklands, 3,800 miles
- away. But apparently the chain can still break: late last week
- a Vulcan bomber on a maritime reconnaissance mission made a
- sudden forced landing in Rio de Janeiro; the British aircraft
- may have missed a rendezvous with the tankers.
- </p>
- <p> Both the original British landing and subsequent offensive
- depended upon meticulous planning. To ensure that precision,
- Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's five-member War Cabinet had
- from the start delegated complete control over the Falklands
- fighting to Britain's commanders-on-the-spot: Rear Admiral John
- ("Sandy") Woodward, 50, aboard the aircraft carrier Hermes, and
- Major General John Jeremy Moore, 53, leader of the British
- ground forces on East Falkland. Initially, says a senior British
- official in London, "the only restraints placed on Admiral
- Woodward and General Moore were that casualties be kept to a
- minimum, that there should be no bombing of the Argentine
- mainland airbases and that the timing of the invasion should be
- a matter of political decision."
- </p>
- <p> The reason for London's flexibility, explained the official, was
- the troubling memory of how Sir Anthony Eden, then Britain's
- Prime Minister, had hampered the British task force during the
- ill-fated Suez invasion of 1956 by issuing a stream of
- contradictory orders to his commanders. Thatcher and her War
- Cabinet were determined that there should be no repetition of
- such self-defeating ministerial interference. Indeed, since
- approving the commanders' general war plan. London has not
- issued a single operational order or given any form of military
- advice to the fighting men in the Falklands.
- </p>
- <p> One of the key decisions made by Woodward and Moore, say
- military experts, was to choose the Port San Carlos area as a
- landing site. Sheltered from attacking Argentine aircraft by
- fingers of land, the site, says one Dutch military observer,
- "provided a kind of naval trench, a defense axis, that made the
- debarkation of troops practical." In particular, the inlet
- neutralized Argentina's use of the ship-killing Exocet missile
- that on May 4 destroyed H.M.S. Sheffield and two weeks ago sank
- the container ship Atlantic Conveyor. Unlike U.S. cruise
- missiles, the sea-skimming Exocet lacks the ability to dodge
- hills in order to reach its target.
- </p>
- <p> Although the British and Argentine forces on East Falkland were
- roughly equal, expert observers like Maxwell Taylor, former
- Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, believed that the
- British held a decisive advantage. In such a situation, Taylor
- told TIME last week, "what matters is the kind of men you have
- in the foxholes." NATO commanders agreed that the British
- troops, all volunteers, were far superior to the young and
- inexperienced conscripts who formed the main Argentine forces.
- The Royal Marines and the Parachute Regiment troops that have
- carried out the bulk of the offensive are Britain's best. Along
- with regular infantry training, the marines take courses in
- amphibious techniques, special commando tactics and an
- extraordinary series of physical fitness exercises. In addition,
- the marines, who have the permanent role of helping to guard the
- northern flank of NATO, had trained in the harsh climate of
- Norway; conditions there are similar in some ways to what they
- found in the Falklands. As for the Argentines, says one NATO
- official. "You can't expect conscripts from a warm country to
- be very effective on icebound rock."
- </p>
- <p> Before last week's military drive, British officers proudly
- referred to the fitness and esprit of their troops as a "secret
- weapon in the Falklands." The officers were right. The 2nd
- Battalion paratroopers were eager for combat as they moved out
- of the San Carlos redoubt and headed in predawn darkness for the
- narrow isthmus sheltering Darwin and Goose Green. Darwin fell
- easily, but the British were surprised by the Argentine garrison
- of some 1,650 men, nearly three times the expected number at
- Goose Green.
- </p>
- <p> At one point the British assault faltered as the paratroopers
- came under attack from an Argentine machine-gun nest. Lieut.
- Colonel Herbert Jones, 42, known to his men as "H," the
- commander of the 2nd Battalion and the man who had urged his
- supervisors to include his unit in the task force, led a platoon
- against the position and wiped it out. During the attack, Jones
- was killed. That evening a detachment of troops brought his body
- down a hillside from the battlefield. He was buried on the
- original beachhead with 16 other casualties in a spartan wartime
- ceremony.
- </p>
- <p> The fact that British casualties were being buried in the
- Falklands caused growing resentment at home, although the
- nation's dead in other wars had been buried on or near the
- battlefield. Responding to the concern, the British government
- was considering a plan to bring back any soldier if his family
- so requested.
- </p>
- <p> With 250 men killed, the Argentine force at Goose Green
- surrendered. The senior officer at the outpost, Air Vice
- Commodore Wilson Doser Pedroza, formally paraded his men and
- gave them a brief speech lauding their courage and their cause.
- The Argentine troops sang their national anthem ("O hear, yet
- mortals, the sacred call..."). They threw their helmets and guns
- to the ground, some showing obvious relief.
- </p>
- <p> The number of prisoners of war swelled to 1,600 as outlying
- Argentine detachments also laid down their arms. Despite their
- spirited defense at Goose Green, many of the soldiers were
- teenagers who had come into the fighting ill prepared. The
- wounded were taken to British hospital ships, the remainder to
- the landing ship Sir Percival and another British merchant
- vessel. The Argentines were herded to the ships' holds, which
- had been converted into huge barracks. There they crouched in
- rows while they were stripped, searched and documented. To
- satisfy the 1949 Geneva Conventions' injunction that P.O.W.s
- must be identified, the British scoured the civilian ship until
- they found labels left by the vessel's previous masters, the
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. (P&O), to use for
- name tags.
- </p>
- <p> In the gear left behind by the defeated Argentines was a
- stockpile of cigar-shaped canisters suitable for carrying
- napalm. London quickly denied a press report that two canisters
- had been dropped on British soldiers as they advanced on Goose
- Green. But the British did charge that during the fighting one
- group of Argentines had waved a white flag of surrender, then
- opened fire on the troops who went forward to take them
- prisoner. No deaths were reported as a result of the incident.
- </p>
- <p> For the 112 Falkland Islanders who had remained in Goose Green
- during the two-month Argentine occupation, some of them elderly
- and in poor health, the arrival of the British paratroopers was
- a true liberation. For the previous 30 days, the Argentines had
- kept them under armed guard inside the local one-story community
- hall. As British air attacks on Goose Green increased prior to
- the ground assault, the Argentine soldiers became increasingly
- nervous. Eric Goss, manager of the settlement, said that when
- the British bombarded the area before moving in, some of the
- younger Argentine troops "kicked doors down and shot off locks
- just to find places for shelter."
- </p>
- <p> Douglas and Teal Inlet were captured by British Royal Marines
- and paratroopers traveling the northern route toward Port
- Stanley. Some of the troops flew by helicopter, but most made
- the trip by "yomping," the marines' slang for their style of
- forced marching while weighed down with as much as 120 lbs. of
- combat gear. The 40-mile march apparently took the Argentines
- by surprise. Reported British Journalist Charles Laurence with
- the marine commandos: "Our intelligence indicates that
- [Argentine] attempts to move around the islands, too boggy for
- most military vehicles, have exhausted them. They did not count
- on the British force being able to move with speed."
- </p>
- <p> The marines marched by night for six hours or more through
- sleet, snow and torrential rain. Occasionally they took refuge
- in farm buildings, but more often they slept outdoors, eating
- cold meals to avoid the giveaway light of a fire. In short, it
- was a familiar picture of ground troops on the attack. Said one
- officer: "In the last war, the infantry walked from the
- Normandy beaches to Berlin. We can walk to Stanley."
- </p>
- <p> Disconcerted by the rapid British advance, the Argentines kept
- falling back from their positions in the direction of Port
- Stanley. The occupiers were especially leery of night fighting,
- a particular skill of the British. At Darwin and Goose Green,
- pointed out one Western European military expert, the British
- began their attack under cover of darkness against inexperienced
- Argentine conscripts "who don't know how to read shadows and
- fired their guns needlessly, giving away their positions and
- using up their ammunition." Some of the Argentines may have
- surrendered simply because of ammunition shortages.
- </p>
- <p> The British also exploited their air support. Early in the week,
- the attackers used helicopters to airlift men and weapons to
- Mount Kent (elevation: 1,504 ft.), the commanding height only
- ten miles from Port Stanley. According to one participant in the
- attack. British pilots flew their heavily loaded machines as
- close to the ground as possible, hugging the contours of the
- land for protection.
- </p>
- <p> The Argentines had neglected to defend the high ground in that
- area so vital to their stronghold. The British, working through
- the snow, overnight installed mortars and 105-mm guns on the
- mountain and established advance positions on two lesser hills
- known as the Two Sisters, four miles closer to the capital. By
- morning they had established a commanding position. Suddenly the
- sun came out, and the British could see Port Stanley and the
- South Atlantic. Gunnery observers began calling down fire on
- nearby enemy bunkers. That was not enough for the marine unit's
- commanding officer. Said he: "Let's get on with the targets that
- really matter. Start putting a few rounds into Moody Brook [a
- former Royal Marine barracks about two miles from Port Stanley
- that General Menendez had established as a forward
- headquarters]. Then every Argie between here and there will know
- that he is in range of our guns."
- </p>
- <p> The Argentine forces seemed unwilling, or unable, to respond to
- the British harassment. The British were spared even the
- expected daredevil attacks by the courageous pilots of the
- Argentine air force, known to their adulators at home as los
- condores (the condors), who had sunk three ships during the
- British landing on East Falkland. In previous attacks, the air
- force had lost some 40 pilots and, according to the British,
- nearly 70 aircraft. But the Argentines still had more than
- enough plans and pilots to make a final assault against the
- British troops besieging Port Stanley, provided the bad weather
- cleared. Some British military experts fully expected los
- condores to fly again before the battle was decided.
- </p>
- <p> The Argentines, probably short of aircraft and pilots, managed
- only two desultory raids against the British task force. In one,
- a Skyhawk fighter-bomber was believed to have been shot down.
- In the other, an Argentine C-130 Hercules transport aircraft
- tried to bomb a British tanker. Airmen on the makeshift bomber
- simply pushed the bombs out a cargo door. One projectile bounced
- off the tanker, causing no damage.
- </p>
- <p> Argentina was scrambling abroad for new weapons, particularly
- for its air force, as the pressure on Port Stanley increased.
- British officials last week said that the Argentines may have
- acquired a number of Israeli-made Gabriel antiship missiles that
- can be used by Argentina's Mirage fighter-bombers. Israeli
- Foreign Ministry Spokesman Avi Pazner insisted that his
- government had not made any new sales but did not deny that it
- might have been fulfilling past contracts that included such
- weapons. Libyan Strongman Muammar Gaddafi is also said to have
- offered arms to the Argentines. What Buenos Aires particularly
- wants is more of the French-built Exocet missiles, which have
- sunk two British ships. The British do not know how many Exocets
- the Argentines have left, but sources estimate they may have
- half a dozen. To counter the Exocet, British technical experts
- have adopted the World War II system of dropping thin strips of
- metal foil to confuse the target-sighting radar in the nose of
- the missile.
- </p>
- <p> Weapons are unlikely to solve the problems of the Argentine
- troops on the ground in Port Stanley. Their return fire at the
- British positions on Mount Kent last week was described by a
- British journalist with his country's troops as "sporadic and
- ineffective." He said that the Argentines appeared "disorganized
- and unbelievably badly placed to defend themselves."
- </p>
- <p> Trying to undercut the Argentine will to fight, British Rear
- Admiral Woodward last week had Harriers drop leaflets over Port
- Stanley urging the Argentines to surrender. One leaflet was in
- the form of a safe-conduct pass; on its reverse, Woodward sent
- an open letter to Argentina's General Menendez. Wrote Woodward:
- "We are both aware of the serious military situation which now
- confronts you and your men. There can be no prospect of your
- garrison being relieved. Matters have now reached the point
- where you must consider whether there is any further point in
- maintained resistance in the face of such overwhelming odds."
- Waiting for the assault. Menendez, sent back no reply.
- </p>
- <p>-- By George Russell. Reported by Frank Melville/London and James
- Wilde/Buenos Aires</p>
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- </article>
- </text>